Who is yorick counter

The more you are close from Yorick the hardest it is for him to Hit it. Being ahead from yorick allows you to counter his splitpush by going on a side lane to 1V1 him. At this point yorick has nearly no comeback to win against you, less if you are able to dive him. As said before, yorick is so average on teamfights. Tho he might do well on long fights since his ghouls deal alot of damage. His waveclear is really bad against baron buff, also taking first tower before him denies the gold he would get from it, so is mountain drake most important drake for yorick.

The key against Nasus is to beat him in the early game and abuse his weakness in the early levels as much as possible. This is the only way you can kill Nasus because Yorick cannot dive enemies efficiently, ghouls cannot be controlled but they still proc tower aggro, which can lead to a failed dive, an early death can be the reason you lose the lane vs Nasus, and eventually the entire game can be lost since he will scale much faster with early CDR.

If nasus has no TP, this can be easier if you successfully poke him enough to force his back. To do so you will need demolish in your runes! If nasus decides to attack you, the big wave will start attacking him and the trade will be even.

If Nasus attacks you, your ghouls will instantly attack him and you will get few tower shots, if you are slowed by his W, you might get hit by 2 to 3 tower shots and he can finish you after that mistake. If you kill Nasus and get few plates early game, make sure to not destroy the tower that early never before min If you have nothing to do in the map and feel safe about getting herald alone, go for it, but never go for the early inhibitor!

Just secure every drake and herald mid for the second tower or open an inhibitor, and wait for the 20mins baron rush. Jax is one of the most dominating champions in this meta, and has been really powerful since his Q buffs his Q has lower CD now which allows him to run away whenever you try to kill him.

The item alone can now deal more than half your HP. Level you need to play really safe, his E make it nearly impossible for you to win the trade. If you are confident enough, you can fake an auto attack on him and cancel it at the last moment, let him E you, and wait for the last tick of his E to Q him, you can actually hit Jax around 0.

This way you make the trade even. Level you need to get as much graves as possible and be ready to use your wall instantly when he jumps on you. Once jax is low you can just freeze a big wave and force one or two plates with demolish, make sure you have enough graves behind you incase he jumps on you, and do not spawn ghouls if you are looking for the demolish proc, otherwise ghouls might proc the tower aggro and you might lose tons of HP, forcing you to back and lose your entire lead.

After level 6 it might get harder for you to get the tower plates as his ult grants him enough tankiness to win trades under his tower, in this case just freeze and poke him until you can all in him and get your second or third tower plate.

You can only get them if you force his back or kill him. Make sure to get your magical boots vs jax so you can rush your trinity force faster than his BOTRK So you have a window to 1V1 without problem once you complete the item. Impossible matchup, must dodge or ban Irelia.

You can attempt trading with irelia at level 4, but only if she misses her E. Play around objectives, and protect your carries with your W, only sidelane if you want to clear minions, put your 4 ghouls on a solo lane and let them push, then roam mid and help your team for your next fights.

Statistically, these champion picks have a Lower Win Rate Versus. You can find this champions most similar picks in league of legends based on role and playstyle here. Share this. C Tier. Summoner Spells. Skill Order. Item Build. Build Counters Tier List. Kayle The Judicator. Gnar The Missing Link. Renekton The Butcher of the Yasuo Unforgiven. Gnar Missing Link. Renekton Butcher of the Sands. Jarvan IV Exemplar of Demacia. Jax Grandmaster at Arms.

Tryndamere Barbarian King. Poke him early, then play safe. Swain, The Ultimate Teamfight Carry in 9. He will catch you with his w, but you can easily get out with your e. Punish him for that. If he cages you insta E out of there. Gnar TOP [ He's manageable, but super annoying to say the least.

Respect his damage buffs and give him some room while farming, he can burst you down with his Q outta nowhere. R out of his cage and try to stick to him. When it comes to a 1 v 1 don't worry about his minions as they die as soon as he does. Fear the Undead Giant!!! A trades outcome is very dependent on you dodging his E as he looses alot of dmg.

You can break his cage faster with your Q AA reset but you will loose most long trades. He will not be able to kill you if you don't overextend. Make sure to dodge his E's and don't get caged too much. He can destroy you just by pushing and junglers can react to his push with a possible dive. You need to rely on your jungler and bless for Rito games to make a 1v2 while they towerdive. Once Yorick gets lv6 you need to be more carefull because if he traps you in his wall you are basically dead.

So buy a Doran's Blade and bully him non-stop before he hits lv6. Don't even let him think of taking cs because if you let hi farm he will get 3 graves, he will bring 3 ghouls and he is going to shoot them on you and he is going to keep poking you out.

Lv2 you grab E, lv3 you grab Q and zone him so he doeasn;t even get exp and once he tries to farm you show him who's boss. After 6 focus on farming and roaming. Olaf is stronger in midgame teamfights. You can't kill Maiden easily. But if you play against a Yorick who doesn't miss his E while he has ghouls , your early game is done.

Plus, his attacks combined with his Maiden's attacks can melt you HP. Bait his W and you can be able to kill him. If you get caught in Yorick's wall you're going to be taking tons of damage.

Additionally you can't proxy against Yorick because as soon as he hits level 6 he will cast his ult for the permanent push. Most yorick players goals are to be splitpushers. Use caution once they have sheen. Lastly get some form of grievous wounds and ask jungler to gank him, he has no escapes and is relatively easy to gank. And if he hits it you can kill all his ghouls with your spin.

Garen demacia [ Take dorans blade or shield either is fine. If you get stuck in his cage just deactivate your W and hit the cage with regular auto attacks. Take notice that late game Yorick can split push really hard, so make sure to save tp for late game to contest split push. But you have better teamfight potential than him so look for teamfight plays and if he is split pushing just tp to lane after teamfight.

As long as you do, you can auto all of his minions with range once you are 6 and it will be super easily to kill him. If you get hit by E you probably will die or burn your flash. It is honestly better to flash his E than get hit by it and have to flash his box. He's got strong sustain as well and very high pushing power. Timing your poking is essential and if you go even or worse you won't be able to do much when he's around. LATE: He pushes harder and can 1v1 you so splitting against him is not a very valid option.

Trying to make a 4v5 while he pushes is an option but it might leave you an inhibitor down if it goes wrong even if he teleports in thanks to his ultimate. His little minions can proc your q and its not hard to delete him lvl 6 when he gets cocky. Agro Lissandra top lane S11 by ineptpineapple Lissandra Player.

You can go in once he uses his ghouls on you or if you dodge then then you are good. Make sure to not get trapped by his wall, otherwise just AA twice and your fine. Vlad - The Hemofobic maker [ Do not fight him. I don't have any tips, just stay underturret and don't let him poke you out of lane. P by Nonoo Teemo Player. It's all up to you not making any mistakes, if you don't, it'll be natural. The best way to dodge his prison is to feint your escape route, or simply just walk back into him, he'll always put it just in front of you.

Once his Maiden is up and it scales, you won't eat him alone. After level 6 he's stronger than you, especially if you didn't put him behind. Yorick's Maiden and Ghouls are his main source of damage so take care of them first before engaging on Yorick. Don't be afraid to use aa E to clear his cage fast.

Save your W when he cages you to kill it and get a reduced cooldown as well as kill the ghouls with aa w resets. Getting hit by E while Ghouls are alive means losing a lot of health and potentially having to flash as the W becomes all but guaranteed. Darius has trouble killing ghouls and the Maiden, however you will outscale Yorick much later into the game as he will lack penetration to keep his damage relevant.

DBlade, Tabis! Outdamage him. You can, however use your ult do dodge their initial lunge at you. Just grab the early bramble vest and poke the crap outta him, after you get your R go crazy. Eventually, if you're standing back enough, Yorick will want to start pushing you since he will get tired of standing around.

He's going to trap you inside his wall etc, but with your E - you're good to go! Diamond teemmo guide by teemoplayerr Teemo Player. First can determine the lane. His W is pretty useless with 1 dash you get away from it and the small zombies you can kill them with one AA. Consider building a Stinger early to help counter his horde.

In a Yorick vs Kalista lane, the setup for ganks from Yorick's E which has a pretty slow cast time and the lockdown of his W which you can jump Just be careful of his split push capability. He split pushes better than you. So even if you win lane, he can take objectives faster. So try to push towers more than him or try to predict where he is going to push. Yorick is pretty much useless if he can't split push towers. If Yorick lands his mist and traps you in his cage, you are effectively dead.

Nothing is going to save you short of flash, and that might not be enough either. Every One's a Treasure by wolfclaw Teemo Player. You should break it fast and then engage. You have a better Team Fight than Yorick. She outtrades him early, and can dispatch his ghouls while still targeting him.

Rek'Sai won't be able to side lane against him late game though. You can kill him easily because he is going to be overextended. Camille Toplane Guide In depth Irelia guide by Frostyfps Irelia Player. Max: E. Start: Doran's shield. Freeze to win. Farm ghouls for bonus hp. Urgot to be tilted by Delvoid Urgot Player. Once you get Rhaast get Thornmail and fuck him up. Top lane Kayn guide [ If you're good at dodging, shut him down early. Hard to out cs him too. Do not get trapped in his W and do not get hit by his E.

If you do, you'll most likely get chunked for a lot of health or die. Once he has ult, he'll be mostly splitting and grouping once in a while with his team. You need to match him or group up with your team and take objectives. In most situations, you CANNOT 1v1 him unless you are extremely fed, he is extremely underfed, you play it perfectly, or he plays it badly.

In laning phase he will usually shove the wave so he can get some Mist Walkers to poke you so farm safely under torret, try to dodge his E so the Mist Walkers don't attack you. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen he can outplay you since he gets a lot of healing due to Conqueror, his Mist Walker and Maiden of the Mist, usually he will just trap you with W and let his Mist do damage, lookt to trade R's and try to kill Maiden first since it has a long cooldown than Nasus R plus Nasus builds a lot of CDR early on, and look to disengage and once you have your R back you can all in him.

Later on to the game he can somewhat solo hold you and kite you decently so look to teamfight where he struggles the most and try to win 5v4 situations. The later the game goes, the more valuable Nasus becomes over Yorick since he will only use W on someone and then try to burst you.

Play safe and don't push too far up unless he is extremely low and try to avoid all inning him. It does substantial damage to you with your rancid bugs. Yorick is Tier S. Try to blind him when he q's minons so he cant stack up his golems. D1 OTP. Longsword refillable potion start. You want extended trades vs yorick, look to start every trade with an auto attack so you can save your spin to extend the trade.

Yorick's wall has a 20 second cooldown level 1. Trades that yorick wants to take against you is ones where he can trap you in his wall and hit his e with ghouls up. Trades you want are ones that you are able to stick onto yorick even after he casts his wall if you are able to save your spin to get out of his wall that is perfect. Yorick is very strong at level 6 with his maiden up, but if you are able to kill his maiden or kill yorick his ultimate has a VERY long cooldown seconds level 1.

The more yorick E's you can avoid in this lane to prevent his ghouls from harassing you, the higher chance you have of winning against him. In the mid-late game Tryndamere outscales Yorick heavily in the 1v1 as long as you can manage to stick to yorick. Critting yorick's wall reduces your spin cooldown. Sion guide by sionsionsionsion Sion Player. Good news though, your ult is a little stronger against him than other champs due to the fact that you are absorbing HP from his minions as well!

Thx god he isnt popular since he is really strong. Try to dodge them and farm hard. That's how Yorick gets ahead even though you killed him 3 times already. He builds up a huge wave from his tower combined with his ghouls and maiden and you cant trade with him unless you want to get half healthed by minions alone. Yoricks will typically split push all game, which gives you two options: 1.

Match his split push and most likely lose. Get other lanes ahead with you lead so you can deal with Yorick as a team. You can choose. If the maiden of the mist is already out you can R Yorick and kill him. Wide Mordekaiser. When he gets lvl 6, you need to kill his maiden before going for the allin, she is very strong. Take armor. You win all wins harder the longer the game goes.

Do not fight him while his Ultimate is up. Combined with his graves and his E slow, he will practically one-shot you from out of nowhere and then just push your lane in with his superior waveclear and push potential.

C Rumble Player. Volibear Reworked Guide, Jg, and Top. With his ult at lvl 6 he can just slow fight you and poke you down and you won't win trades. You have to try to go for an all in. Startwith corrupting potion. Do NOT overestimate your damage output because trust me. Either rely on your jungler to finish him up, or try to utilize your Q to get last hits and do NOT let him Q you.

He can only really kill you when his ult is up and the maiden targets you but, once the maiden is killed the cooldown of the ult is reaaaaly long and you have a lot of time to kill Yorick. Start D. Blade for more aggression. Avoid picking into him. Paw's Guide to Throwing Top!

His slow will lead to him walling you in and beating you to death. If you get trapped you cant hit the outside of your Q and he will kill you very fast. Teemo apenas basico. Garen is OP. Everyone builds him wrong by Colin Garen Player. You should be able to kill him on lvl 6, and you can decently trade with him on lvl 4. Don't fight him when he has a bunch of his creatures around him. All it takes is one mistake and your tower is gone.

Berserk is good against him to take out minions very fast. Cuidado com sua ult, ela causa muito dano a longo prazo. Hes going to wait for you to roam for your team and then delete your towers in a blink. Else you can kite and poke him pretty safely.

His Undead Minions is a threat to you when fighting against him and since you cannot deal more than 1 target at a time, you have a big disadvantage. Respect his W and care to his E. Don't fight if he has maiden. Tabis and bramble vest are great. So make sure harass as much you can do in early. He has got base low health stats so its worth harass in early. Tips: Care his E Q Q combo.

Your attack speed should be cool against his W When he got his R up. Make sure burst him up with your E Max E not Q! He is very rarely picked however, and you can screw him up considerably early game. Pushing against him is hard however, and his late game pressure is hard to match.

Bruiser builds work wonders here, specially sustain and aggresive, but do note that the moment he gets his full build 1v1 him is an ill-advised proposition. Conqueror or grasp can both work, but he is favored in prolonged trades, so keep a note on that. Rengar Mains Community Guide ft. Top Lane Domination with Darius [ You can remove his Ghouls, Maiden and W from the map with your ult.

Luckily for you, you might not see him all the time in low elo, and he might not even show up in general. He still is annoying asf though. You can dash out of his W, which is handy in bad situations. Abuse his pre-6 state. Save your E to get out of an eventual cage. With Conqueror and his Maiden he is still really good on damage and healing but if he gets pulled it gets better for Kled. If he is good with his champion rather consider him as a "major" threat, but if he is bad or new to the champion you can play against him as if he was a "minor" threat.

This matchup will basically be a coin toss for you and there aren't any other tips I can give in this matchup apart from : Don't try and kill his ghouls with flay! It counts as an aoe ability and your auto attacks to enough damage to kill him anyways. You can cancel out the ghouls jump. But they will just jump towards you again afterwards. Yorick will be wanting to split push the entire game and late game you won't be able to stop him on your own.

They his w is super effective at trapping you. Your w can clear the gouls when you get poked. Dont engage when he has r. You just got Urgotted to make you feel like star guardian by Blakespeare Urgot Player.

Each trophy, a victory This is a hard lane however despite it being hard you can still win this one. If you personally don't like him it might be a worthy dodge. Illaoi build guide by BeautifulWinter Illaoi Player. Either ban or take your chances since thank god his pickrate is low. Since Senna has low attack speed it will take longer for her to break the prison.

Be very cautious and ask the jungler to shut him down. His damage is insane and your Q doesn't 1 shot his ghouls. You cannot kill him if his ults up, so try and kill it or ask for jungle assistance or just take smite top. Mordekaiser [V If you get caught in it, Rengar bugs out like crazy. Dodge his E or you are in big trouble tho.

Teemo serious guide [ Playing safe is the better option. You definitely don't want that dude against you. His cage will make you doomed h24 and he's just gonna make a hole through the base. You can't stop him. Yorick is forced to rush qss in order to get his ghouls back and then he won't have enough combat stats to beat you 1v1 with his ghouls.

Outscales you after level 16 but until then hes fairly easy to handle at all stages of the game. Yorrick's Wall can cause you to bug if your in a bush. Rengar Top Guide 9. He isn't played that much be he is being seen more recently. Make sure that you stay back as he can win trades and win late game.

He will try and split push so beware of that. His cage makes it very hard to q him and he has good waveclear. Don't get hit by his E when you walk up to cs. He needs at least 3 to summon ghouls. Once you seem his summon animation or if he has it already spawned , be ready to dodge his E. He will generally constantly push in, so be prepared to CS under tower.

Soar through the clouds and beyond! Auto attack cancel with your E if you get trapped and wait for your jungler to kill him. Teleport is recommended. However his Q and minions will be dangerous. Additionally, Swain has a hard time auto attacking his box to escape. If he starts snowballing, it's over for you as you won't be able to kill him. Popular ban pick, but his pick rate is already really low so up to you if you want to use your ban on him.

How to KS and Dominate with Urgot 9. Try to dodge E, if he lands E and cages you then pull for aftershock, be wary of his ult. The real problem is his ultimate, which you have no way to deal with. If you see the maiden, RUN. The meme lord - with detailed matchups by Hamstertamer Nasus Player. His W can be deadly for you No Gapcloser.

Dont fight him, he is one of the 1vs1 Gods. Oh Captain my Captain! It's a free lane, just remember that he's still a big splitpush threat. Faith of the depths [S9] by Chromuro Illaoi Player. Early lane he will beat you as well. Try to poke his Maiden down to kill it, then when you are at full health with your own R you can take him down. This is the only circumstance in which you can kill him. Most probably you will lose your tower soon if your jungler will not babysit you. Read matchup details below.

Would not suggest dueling after 6. Maiden is cancer, nerf maiden rito, her succ is too strong. Farm under tower. Ask for ganks.


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