But despite all of this, polls have shown that Ian's more popular amongst Smosh fans than any other character. Ian has displayed a fair amount of common sense when Anthony lacks in. Ian portrays most of the duplicating cast in the Smosh Productions rather than Anthony as he has appeared as around 50 different duplicate persona's for example Dr. Drew Peacock and George Zazz.
When he's hungry, if he tries to say "animal," he'll say "mammal" instead, according to a Lunchtime with Smosh episode. He also thinks that Jeeps are trucks for some unknown reason. In his Smosh Pit profile, he claims that he stands for truth, justice, and the "peanut butter cup way. Anthony opened the door to the house and saw the mail, he brought it in "It's time for Mail with smosh! It's time for Mail time with Smosh!
Last edited by witchingdreamons on Sun Apr 15, am, edited 1 time in total. I think you bust my ear drum. Anyway what mail do we have today?
He found a barber shop pile and looke in the camara,"Ok,who ever sent this I have one thig to say to you. Ian thanked him, but declared that he still hated him. In another episode, a picture showed Ian sleeping with Barbershop Pole's future wife as revenge.
There even was an episode where Anthony was holding a baby. Ian wanted to hold the baby and took it over from Anthony. When Ian looked at his face, it was revealed that is was, a baby Barbershop Pole. Ian was shocked, the baby attacked Ian and Ian died. Ian said he still hates him, even if they're related.
He also hates bowl haircuts, like the one Ian Hecox has. Smosh Wiki Explore. Wiki Staff. Scott Ian's birth name is Scott Ian Rosenfeld. Log in. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. He slept with his future wife. Study guides. Be a Good Person to each other 1 card. How do you describe a good person. Q: Why is Ian angry with barber shop poles?
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