Use Volt Tackle with your Pichu. Your new Pichu will have the Volt Tackle move available to it since you used the Light Ball during breeding. Like many other Final Smashes in Ultimate, Volt Tackle has been made fully automatic and faster, making it easier to execute and allowing players to return to fighting faster.
Where do you get Volt Tackle in Pokemon Emerald? What do you need to know about Volt Tackle? Can you get a Pichu with Volt Tackle?
You get the light ball by catching wild pikachu. Get a pikachu that has light ball! User Info: moondust Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status How rare is ralts and Abra? Answered What is the chance of rematching rematchable regular trainers? Answered What are good movesets for my pokemon? Answered How to beat mossdeep gym leaders with a sceptile?
Ask A Question. Volt Tackle can be used as part of a Contest Spectacular combination , with the user gaining an extra three appeal points if Charge was used in the prior turn.
However, Volt Tackle is not an Egg Move , and cannot be passed down by simply breeding with a parent that knows the move. The user now attacks enemy in the front, from up to 2 tiles away, even if there's an ally inbetween.
Since Volt Tackle can only be learnt as an Egg Move in the core series games, it is taught differently in the Mystery Dungeon games:. Since Super Smash Bros. When used, Pikachu will be enveloped by a blue ball of electricity.
The ball does major damage and can even pass through platforms, though it is very hard to control. Despite it taking damage from Volt Tackle in the core series, Pikachu takes no damage from the move when used in the Super Smash Bros. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate , the returning fighter Pichu also gains Volt Tackle as its Final Smash; like Pichu's other electrical moves, it deals damage to it after use. Like many other Final Smashes in Ultimate, Volt Tackle has been made fully automatic and faster, making it easier to execute and allowing players to return to fighting faster.
It can also fly to chase down those who try to jump out of range. Sparks get stronger when you press the attack button. However, its increased inertia makes midair movement tough.
If you get carried away flying, the effect will end, and you'll destroy yourself. Be careful it doesn't happen to you. Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times. Super Contests. Contest Spectaculars. Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit. A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Battles Type Electric.
Target Foe. May affect anyone adjacent to the user. Contests Condition Cool. After this move, the user is more easily startled. Super Contests Condition Cool. Contest Spectaculars Condition Cool.
A very appealing move, but after using this move, the user is more easily startled. Games Description R S E. FR LG. The user electrifies itself, then charges at the foe. It causes considerable damage to the user as well. The user electrifies itself, then charges.