Edenpure heaters how does it work

Forever striving for error-free, friendly and unparalleled service, EdenPURE can assure you that their products will be delivered to their highest standards for you to enjoy for a long time to come — and this is exactly what you want from a reliable supplementary heater with the power to make the winter season a joyful one. Whether you buy an important product such as a heater online or in a physical store, you will want to be sure that you will receive continuous, friendly customer support should you have any more questions or run into issues.

This company is one of the only direct sellers that guarantees OEM replacement parts and its own service centers. Their reliable customer service is always open to you via their telephone support line or their online form. Recommended: Is the Lifesmart LifePro infrared heater a reliable and efficient space heater? With its positive temperature coefficient PTC heating elements, this heater puts out more heat than a ceramic tower heater and is easy to control with the thermostat and remote control.

This is a great heater even for those who are sensitive to the dry air a lot of heaters tend to produce. This portable heater will not burn up the oxygen or increase humidity. It will always keep the air quality in your home good. Infrared space heaters next! With no exposed heating elements, a housing case that remains cool and a touch-safe front grill cover, the EdenPURE Ab is an excellent option for households that are looking to keep their children and pets warm without jeopardizing their safety.

EdenPURE space heaters come in a modern stylish design with black, metal housing and a subtle accent of color that will become an attractive feature in your home or office.

Equipped with wheels that make it portable and keep the unit raised safely off the floor, this heater is very useful for households or office environments that will be making use of it in various areas of the space.

The wheels make the move from one room to another easy and efficient, allowing you to take the warm with you any time you want. Another major plus point for those who want to get comfortable and remain comfortable is the fact that the space heater comes with a remote control.

The remote allows you to adjust the heat without having to peel yourself from the couch again or hitting pause on the movie. Recommended Reading: Does this model make it on our list of the best infrared heaters of the year?

When I would go to bed, I left one on all the time when I was home. About a month later, I started to smell something but could not find the cause. Then all of a sudden, the heater overwhelmed me with this toxic type smell.

I started choking and gagging, I could not breathe very well. We also asked Ana if there was a chance EdenPURE could assist Barb with the cleaning of her home, or do something for her to get rid of the toxic smelling odor, because having Barb just return the heaters isn't going to get rid of the bad smell in her home. Of course each case is different, and a lot of consumers may be completely satisfied with the heater, but EdenPURE certainly has its share of negative reviews.

There are lots of brands to choose from and it's often better to buy a known brand from a major retailer that will take it back if it isn't satisfactory. On the issue of saving money, the only way a space heater will save you money is if you can turn down your thermostat so that most of your home gets colder, while the space heater warms up a room or two.

Space heaters are not inherently more efficient than your furnace, so unless you're going to huddle together in one room, it's probably a better bet to use the money you would spend on a space heater on insulation, storm windows Sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter. Thanks for pointing this out for those of us who are scam recognizably challenged.

My last post was cut off - 2 A btu is a btu watts is btu's. That is all you can put on a volt 15 amp curcuit. So all the rest is just hype , Shame on Bob Vella. I used to like him on this old house , but like many of the over the hill broke celebs. Buyer beware! Here are the facts - 1 Duct loss in a basement is not always a bad thing , if your basement is too cold you risk freezing pipes so if the temp.

Also, for anyone who's interested, the fans in the small forced air heaters typically fail after about two years. I've found that by partial disassembling them and placing a tiny drop of oil at the motor bearing points they will run for MANY years past their obsolescent date.

I tune mine up every year with the drop of oil and a little compressed air. Many have been running now for well over 5 years and run almost constantly all winter long. FYI: the same goes for room air conditioners. It's clear that you have not only taken the bait, but swallowed the hook.

If you sheeple need to believe otherwise, so be it. No more, no less. Look at fuel price comparisons, you'll see that electric heat is by far the most expensive. Don't buy this slick ripoff. I've been in the HVAC field for 40 years. Trust me. Sorry about the math confusion, but I really did mean cubic feet, not square feet. Square feet is the area of floor space, cubic feet is the amount of air in a room. Since you heat all the air, nor just the first 12 inches off the floor, cubic feet measurments are required.

Therefore, a 10' x 10' room with a 10' foot ceiling is square feet, but cubic feet. If the ceiling were 12', then the amount of air, cubic feet, would need heating. I don't know where one of these people learned their math, but a sq ft room is not a 6 x 7.

It is a 20 x 15, a pretty decent size room. Zone heat is just that whether you use a single zone heater or have your central system set up that way. That was going to be a total of zones. All I did was laugh when the very reputable heating and air company in our town quoted this amount. Again, it was ZONE heating and with a heat pump, like that was going to save me money.

The only way it would have is if I used it exactly like the Eden Pure is supposed to be used. I put up with very high bills until last year from what is no more than a heater that was supposed to be a heat pump, meaning it runs on heat strips.

I have sq ft upstairs and downstairs. I bought the Gen4, have it in the living room in the center of the sq feet, and I have not turned on my heater.

Certainly the bedrooms are cooler, but remember it is a zone heater not meant to warm the entire area of sq ft, although the bedrooms are not cold.

They are perfect for sleeping. The key is that the Eden Pure is meant for a certain zone of from - sq feet depending on the unit you select. It does heat evenly. Of course heat rises, but are any of you 8 feet tall to feel that it may be warmer at the ceiling?? The heat is a soft even heat and is extremely comfortable. I am very comfortable with leaving the Eden Pure on at night and while I am away so when I return, the house is not cold, plus I have the assurance that my pets are not going to be burned or turn over a smaller, lighter heater burning them and possibly burning the house down.

Plus, as someone else said, there are varied types of heat. Heating the ceramic creates a more even heat. Last night it was 24 degrees outside, and inside my living area may have been 60 in the middle of the night, but with daylight, the temp in my living area was Now, that may seem cold to some of you, but no other heater identical to this one is going to do any better and if they are not this safe, you would have to have your central heat on.

They make for a much more comfortable room than ceiling fans. I'm going to have to take back part of the comment about space heaters. I just looked them up, and they are They have two watt and watt settings and will heat sq feet, but from what I read, the watt setting is using more electricity.

Now, if you doubt that I read that or that it can be true, the next one I copied and pasted for the guy who said watts is watts and will put out the same. Unh uh!! Now, here we have a watt that will be plugged into the same outlet as the Eden Pure, yet the Eden Pure will with its watts heat up to sq ft, and this one heats ??

So, all is not equal definitely. For the guy who said to close off the rooms and the vents in those rooms, don't you know that can damage your central unit. They were not meant to be used in that manner. The heated air is still coming through the ductwork, and when it reaches the closed vent, it has built up pressure which makes that much more of your heated air be lost through the small openings between the pieces of ductwork. The same amount of air goes through.

THIS is the reason the heating companies have zone heating. It is designed for heated or cooled air to go through only the vents of the zones you have on. Why do you think they would do that? Hmmm, think about it. Out of stock at this time though. Oh, yes, and for the guy who said how can the ceramic remove moisture from the air, if you will look, there is only one model that is also a dehumidifyer, so it is both a heater PLUS a dehumidifyer.

Of course, it seems that would use more electricity, but some of you just don't read the material correctly or don't read it at all. The person who stated the baseboard is just as efficient may be right about it being as efficient, but only in the sense that it heats the room.

If you look at the stats, they use far more electricity.. If you buy one of the cheapies to make do, your dollars are going out the window. I am ashamed that, as a scientist I didn't think through the physics of Edenpure's claims. The above people are correct, you can only get so much heat out of a given amount of electricity. I bought BOTH the heater and the air filter. The filter is as overpriced and useless as the heater. It claims to scrub the air in a cubic foot room.

When the sunlight is in the right direction, I can see the dust particles floating by the intake. I am not so egotistical to refuse to admit that I was taken and that Edenpure sells grossly overpriced junk. Caveat emptor. Bob, my main concern is saving ME money. If I spend less, good. I don't care who it ripping me off if I am getting ripped off.

I purchaser 2 EP 2 years ago and they work fine in my sq foot home. I bought them to stop those money grubbing gas companys. I read all you're complaints,and no one had the common sense to understand some people may just want to get the oil money suckers out of their lives. It looks like we are starting another season of the heater scam. I see the infomercial all over DirecTV. This scam reminds me of Obama: you can pretty much lie and say anything you want for a long time and get away with it!

Why would Villa want to be associated with this?? After reading all the negative reviews posted about the Eden Pure,I called back to cancel my order. I was directed to 3 different customer service numbers. Was informed that my order was not in the system as of yet, was instructed to call back after 24 hrs. I realized that this was the start of giving me the run around. Buyer beware. This sure seems to be a scam. I was just about to order an edenpure heater. I was specifically sold on Bob Vila's endorsement of the product thinking I can trust the home improvement guru.

I am so glad I stumbled on this site first. I was about to order an eden pure online when I saw this site and decided to read consumer comments first. All of your honest comments and reviews have just saved me from making a huge and costly mistake. Any way, thank you. I have changed my mind and will not be purchasing the eden pure and will no longer trust Mr.

Vila as someone who has MY best interest at heart. Whether you like the article or not - the simple fact is any cost savings you are seeing by using an Eden Pure heater is due to the use of "zone heating" I. I don't doubt people are saving money using the Eden Pure heater because "zone heating"I has to save money by not heating unused areas. The point that needs to be understood is that any type of room heater that you utilize to perform "zone heating" will save you money.

You are not saving money because the Eden Pure heater is an amazingly efficient heat source, it is because you are not heating the whole house to as high of a temperature. Unfortunately, the Eden Pure ad does not lie. If you read it carefully, it never really claims that the Eden Pure heater is a miraculous heat source. It just says if you use an Eden Pure heater to do "zone heating"I you will save money.

The importance of this is any space heater will do that. You just have to decide if the features of the Eden Pure are worth the extra cost over a less expensive space heater. Energy savings will be the same either way. Don't care about all you "stats" just what my check book says, and it tells me the Eden Pure is working for me :. I bought an Eden hearter last Dec. I plugged it in this spring to take the chill out.

The machine shot out sparks. I called the company so I could exchane it but I have to pay shipping. I am on a fixed income and can't afford to pay almost the same amount I paid for it to ship it back. I don't think this is a good business now I have a machine that doesn't work. I used the watt in fairly cold weather,. I first spent a few dollars on insulation extra it paid off! Hi everyone. Are the so called experts on here thick or something.

Because heating a wire is less efficient to heating a infared light you can't do a comparison. Dose the Edenpure save you money? In some situations yes but in some no. Once again use your heads and think about what you need. The Edenpure is better than most electric heaters because Of how it creates its heat. Its safer than most to. Yes other heaters have safety cut off switches but there not much good if your sofa has set on fire because the fire was too close.

You don't get this risk with the Eden pure. Is it reliable. Well it depends on what version you get. Some are made in China using cheap bulbs and some are made in the usa. So reliability can be good or bad.

Are Eden pure trying to rip you off. No its all on the website and in the advert's you've just got to read and understand. They don't claim it will save you money. Some Of there customers are saving and are willing to talk about it. That's common sense. If you can't understand that then you must be stupid. They promote using zone heating to save money. Because it works and dose save money especially if you have bad heating in your house.

It claims s f for the gen 4 and it will do that just as well as most heaters. And yes the personal heater that heats 50 s f is only the size Of a prison cell. The clue is in the word personal. Its only ment to heat up a small area with a person in it. Everything is on the website and on the adverts.

There not trying to rip you off or scam you. There just selling an alternative that has good and bad points like everything else on the market. You should use your own judgement and take some care to buy the right product for you. And stop blaming others if you buy the wrong product because you did't do your homework.

As for bob vila. He's doing this because he thinks its a good product and it is if used in the right situation. Common sense. Would i buy this. Yes if i needed a safe heater and had the right place for them.

Have i used them. Yes but they are ugly units and they both worked. Both the gen 4 and the personal. Would i recommend them? Only if you needed this type Of heater. We bought edenpure in September. Turned on in December. Doubled Electric bill, no effect on gas consuption. Unplugged edenpure. Nice flat spot for debris. Bob Vila was dropped by Sears for problems with post job problems and costs associated.

Nothing has changed. Im just another sucker. Also, dont buy Cub Cadet. Same reasons. Bob Vila gave two types of scenarios. First is that your heating plant is grossly inefficient and that your heating ducts practically are routed outside the house to heat the outside before coming back inside. Second is that you can lower your thermastat while only heating an inner room. Here's examples of how those would work:. In that case the EdenPure can save you money over natural gas.

Unfortunately the answer is "No, the efficiency is identical. But remember Edenpure didn't directly claim they would save you money, that was just the testimonials that they scattered throughout the infomercial which claimed savings.

Edenpure tried to be disingenuously suggestive. And Bob Vila? What a fiasco-I will never purchase anything from Edenpure or anything associated with Bob Villa. I have a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, so I can tell you with precision that EdenPure's claims are false and misleading.

The EdenPure heater uses Watts. This means it produces BTU of heat. It doesn't mater what's inside the box. If W goes in, BTU comes out. FACT: Nonsense. If they did, they would have to absorb water, wouldn't they. How can heated ceramic plates absorb water? There is no combustion taking place in any electric heater, and no oxygen is being used.

Even your oil or gas-fired furnace does not reduce oxygen because the combustion gasses that go up the chimney are replaced by air infiltration. FACT: Of course it will. Even a child knows that hot air rises.

The heater is a point source of heat. Baseboard heating provides far more uniform heat distribution. In other words a room measuring 6' x 7'. These are the dimensions of a jail cell, not a room. If you want negative comments about this heater , a simple Google search will fulfill your needs. I've read enough negativity about these units I've decided to stick with name brands Honeywell etc.

Let me first say, I have been praiseing the Edenpure for about 6 years. We have the , and the XL, the are the first ones.


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